Saturday, May 03, 2008

Time For Comprehensive Supermarkets.

Ministers are creating "ghetto schools" by letting parents choose where to send their children, teachers have warned.

Policies to increase parental choice over schools are undermining attempts to improve community relations, according to members of the National Association of Head Teachers.

Yes this makes a lot of sense. Think of how in the supermarket industry, for example, free choice has led to a situation where all the leading supermarkets monopolise the best customers whilst the under performing ones get lumbered with the poor shoppers. This creates a situation where all the best cashiers and managers are taken by the best shops. Wouldn't it be better if we ran supermarkets like schools?

Every store could be assigned a catchment area where they would have exclusive territorial rights to the shoppers who live in that are, comprehensive supermarkets would stop wealthy shoppers opting out.

People don't really want choice when it comes to shopping, they just want a good local supermarket. No doubt the free market fanatics will claim that choice drives up standards for all shoppers, but what they really mean is that they don't care about the less well off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Policies to increase parental choice over schools are undermining attempts to improve community relations..."

And when exactly did that become the purview of schools...?