Sunday, October 05, 2008

Twat Competition!

The return of Peter Mandelson to the government has overshadowed the fact that other equally risible figures have been promoted in Gordon's barrel scraping re-shuffle. The question though is who is the biggest twat to join the government? Either vote in the poll which will be up until Friday or leave a comment. The contenders are:
  • Chris Bryant, the new deputy leader of the Commons, previously best known for sending around a photograph of himself in his Y-Fronts.
  • Quentin Davies, Tory traitor and all round figure of fun who jumped ship during Gordon Brown's honeymoon period when it looked like he was joining a winning team. Previously best known for having been convicted of cruelty to sheep (seriously).
  • Sion Simon, Labour traitor who was part of the coup that forced Blair out in the belief that Brown would lead them to victory. Most notable for his cringe inducing attempts at satire and arrogantly declaring that Labour were going to rule for a generation.


Letters From A Tory said...

The more idiots in the Labour Party, the better.

Ross said...

For the Conservatives, but not for the country which these people will be running for the next 18 months.