Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Quote Of The Day.

The Guardian raises the question of whether we should switch which side of the road we drive on, to which one commentator replies:
In a multicultural society like Britain we should be allowed to drive on whichever side of the road we like.


Mark said...

As Edwin Greenwood will probably agree,if you drive around SE London it often feels as if that is already the case.

JuliaM said...

I can vouch for that in my neck of the woods too!

James Higham said...

That's excellent but all the same, it would help if we did drive on right. Though we should leave the EU, we will probably always drive over to Europe and it's a pain in the butt to be driving close to the curb on the "wrong side".

Ross said...

James-It would probably have been better if everyone drove on the same side from day one, but the transition would be too much hassle imho.