Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Is Conspiring Here?

I was initially going to put this article- "Did supermoon spark quake?" under questions to be answered "no.

However this is intriguing- "Conspiracy theorists on the internet have made catastrophic predictions of tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.". Conspiracy theories about the position of the moon?


Mark Wadsworth said...

Yeah, because although the Apollo Moon landings were faked, they dislodged the Moon from its natural orbit back in 1969 and the weather has gone haywire ever since.

They did this in order to disrupt harvests around the world so that the giant GM food corporations can force Third World farmers to buy their seeds as they are the only thing left that will grow.

I thought everybody knew that.

banned said...

And the supermoon caused all the North Africans to go lunatic and demand new governments.

JuliaM said...

"Yeah, because although the Apollo Moon landings were faked, they dislodged the Moon from its natural orbit back in 1969..."

'Space:1999' was a documentary!

Ross said...

OH my God, the moon's going to crash into us!

CJ Nerd said...

Not only that, but it reversed the flow of time!

A lunar perigee on March 19th caused an earthquake on March 11th?


James Higham said...

Aum Shinrikyo


Ross said...

CJ Nerd- The power of the moon can't be overstated.